What if Wilco Was President?

Posted by Resistance Magazine | 8:59 AM | | 1 comments »


Surfing the Internet this morning I came across the music blog of Carrie Brownstein, former guitarist for Sleater-Kinney. In her weekly blog post Monitor Mix on NPR.org, she's posted a survey entitled "The 2008 Election: Politicians as Rock Stars." It asks readers this: Who is Barrack Obama?" From a list of twenty or so musicians, you are instructed to click on the band or singer you feel most represents the Democratic candidate. Then you do the same for John McCain. You also get to choose each candidate's running mate based on the artist line-up you previously selected. For instance, I chose Wilco for Barack and Bruce Springsteen as the supporting act a.k.a. "running mate" and for McCain it had to be Lawrence Welk and Ricky Martin. Guess who I'm voting for in November? 

Take it for yourself at the following link:


  1. Anonymous // July 1, 2008 at 9:52 AM  

    Nice blog. Thats all.